nobody promised that you will feel comfortable

Staying in the comfort zone is the preferred option for a lot of people these days. Because most people are afraid of being emotionally uncomfortable. They expect that a therapy session has to be pleasant and make them feel good.

But the work of a therapist isn’t to make you feel good. A therapist’s job is to assist you in finding your truth by revealing your bling spots and help you see what you don’t want to see. That, of course, can be very unpleasant.

But nobody promised that you will feel comfortable while doing deep inner work.

Inner works isn’t comfortable. It isn’t joyful. At least not in the beginning.

It’s not comfortable to look at yourself and to honestly evaluate your behavior. It’s not comfortable to get to know yourself and to own what you may dislike in yourself.

Wearing a mask is comfortable. Hiding is comfortable. Ignoring your Shadow Self and pretending it’s not there is more comfortable than looking at it and shining light on aspects of you that you would rather not see.

And yes, having a glass of wine to sooth the pain and continue living in denial is more comfortable than looking at the darkest corners of your being, changing destructive habits or becoming aware of self-sabotaging patterns.

It is uncomfortable to grow. It is uncomfortable to choose the higher road.

But it is far more rewarding.